"OF Truth" an Essay Of Francis Bacon

Oh yeah!!I came back with a new thought based on the "Of Truth"essay of Francis Bacon.As I promised that I want to share this topic with you guys and here this is.

Of Truth
Life is full of masks and mummeries .Life is nothing but an acting to fool others.We can't find the truth in this world.Even if we find, than we will lose our purpose to live.For an example, If any person start to say all the things in truth than life will be bitter, no one wants to be friend or close person with him or her.As time goes, he/she will lose confidence upon him/her.According to Bacon,we need to put lie to cover our own real face.

Truth is a belief that bind our mind in free will thinking and  in acting.It is compared with a candle light where it will be free from all mummeries and masks but not as a daylight.No one can make falsehood in this territory.Truth can be achived in the price of pearl, even though ,it won't come in the price of diamond.The mixture of a lie and truth makes things interesting and pleases everyone.One can give the false hope or false valuations but it will leave full of melancholy and unpleasent things.Bacon actually highlighted the false hope and showing the false attitude that will keep us adjust with present world.Truth can be achived in the price of hard work and people dislike to work hard.Morever,we will lose our freedom when we bound with truth.

Of Truth
From Bacon thought, Poetic lie is not harmful.Poet add false praise in their poetry to make a higher achivement.One of the Fathers of the Church called it devil's wine because it is full of imaginations yet there is shadow of lie.The quest for truth,the love of truth and the belief in truth is the only free will of human being.Bacon compare truth to light and brings in the biblical examples of the  god's creation of light and on the sixth day he created men whom he gifted the "light of reason".In spite of man's efforts and judgments it is only truth that can truly define itself.Again,looking for truth makes one to feel like heavenly.It will make one's to feel pride.To avoid this we need to move on CHARITY and be humble to our sense.

A bit of lie added to truth is like making an alloy of copper and gold.It becomes easier to work with these metals but at the same time,it makes it impure.Bacon shows the similarity in lie and snake where the snake crawling on it's belly instead of walking on it's feet.Due to his habbit in speaking of falsehood,he earn benefits in bussiness.The false person has to let his head down because he feels guilty all the time.Bacon quotes Montaigne who said that, "A liar is a man who is brave towards God but is coward towards men".This are the qualities where by flattery hope or false imaginations one can call the judgment of God upon mankind.

In the end,we come to know that Bacon try to give an idea of Christian morality.This essay shows the reality of our life where we can't express our truth even though we know truth will bring happiness.

Thanks for staying till now!! Hopefuly,I will be back with a new update.



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