Hello there!I'm Ramisa and welcome back to my new post. Today, I would like to present you a lifestyle and the noble achivement of Sir Francis Bacon.

Before represent the Sir Francis Bacon backstory which is also known as 'VISCOUNT SAINT ALBAN' ,we need to know what he looks like so   I add a pic of him.

Sir Francis Bacon(1561-1626)
British statement and philosopher,father of ENGLISH ESSAY,Sir Francis Bacon was born in 22January 1561 at York House off the strand,London,United Kingdom.He was belong to Elizabethian period.His father Nicholas Bacon who was a loyal gurad of the great seal for Queen Elizabeth1 and his mother was Anne Bacon who was an English lady scholar.For the attachment in English essay he was remembered in many literary terms.In 1605,the Father of Empricism, Bacon, married to Alice Barnham at the age of 45.This great man was called father of The Scientific Revolution as he put a great impact both in Renaissance and Scientific Enlightenment.Again,he claimed all the knowledge as his state by saying"KNOWLEDGE IS POWER".

Bacon completed his education in Trinity college, Cambridge from 1573 to 1575 and entered Gray's inn as ancient(senior governor) in 1576,London.He termed 'unfruitful' to Aristotelian philosophy which was began at Cambridge.Travelled many country like France,Italy and Spain in 1576 and at last came from london to practice law at Gray's Inn in 1579.Furthermore,he became a member of parliament in 1584 at Bossiney,Cornwell and earlier represented Taunton,Liverpool,the Country of Middlesex,Southampton,Ipswich and the University of Cambridge.

In 1593,Bacon started war against Spain without the command of Elizabeth and this count as crime .At that time, he was acquainted  with Robert Deverix, the young earl of Essex with whom he have good relation.He became successor in his career in the reign of James 1 and took the title of knighthood in 1603.In 1613,he was welcomed to attorney general while Coke was removed from the position of Chief Justice .This brought a great conflict with Coke.Thus, he became chancellor of England from 1618 to 1621 and became more powerful. But the fate was not in his side. In 1618,He has fell foul of Geourge Villers while he interfered in the marriage of his old enemy Coke and the younger brother of villers.For this action, he was harshly sentenced included fine of £40,000. 

The first edition of Essay was published in 10 essay,1597 where he collected the information of politics .In 1605,He charted the map of scientific knowledge named "The Advancement And Proficiency Of Learning Divine".In 1612,the second edition of Essay published which contains 38 essays.
Novum Organum (1620)

In 1620,he proclaimed a book named Novum Organum Scientiarum which expressed a new style of logic.It was summarized in Aphorism form and the main subject is about 'The actual Interpretation of Nature'.This book showed the dedication towards King James1.The last(3rd) edition of Essay was published in 1625 which contains 58 essays.One of his most popular book known as Wisdom Of Ancient was published in 1609.

New Atlantics (1626) 
New Atlantics (1626)which was incomplete book. Basically,it was based on Philosophical Romano.It was inspired by Thomas Moore's Utopia and due to his death,it remained incomplete.
Bacon borrowed the conception of essay from Montaigne's Essay.Also,he wrote two sonnets mentioning the love with his wife Alice.This great man died after catching a chill in 1626.

Of Truth Essay which was the first essay of Francis Bacon will describe by our Professor Eftekhar Uddin Sir in next session.To know more interesting things about Sir Francis bacon, keep in touch with me for new update!!


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